some are repetitive games and others activities which allow you to incorporate your own challenges. However, most do allow for students to think creatively and problem solve if properly introduced. Why exactly I chose 31, I'm not sure now I think about it, as there is 31 days in a month, but not 31 school days. Whatever the case, these challenges would provide challenges for more than 31 days as it is, as some will be a 'once off' challenge to solve, and others are challenges students can practice and improve at over time or teachers can adapt for a variety of skills. There are some which will be familiar and are widely known, others have been linked to specific websites, and others I have obtained from unknown sources or created myself, so if any of the ideas are unclear or need clarification, please comment and let me know! Now without further ado, here is 31 math challenges.
What maths challenges have you done in the past with your students? Could you add a game or challenge to the list which has been missed? There are many out there which work on specific maths skills which couldn't have fit in this list, so comment away.
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